August 2022 Ride Recap

This was an absolutely fantastic classic ride across the city and back. Thank you to everyone who came, each ride seems to be bigger than the last as we approach the 30th anniversary next month. We rode out at 6:45 pm up Market St and through The Wiggle. With more than enough bikes we took over the Fell Expressway and continued on to the Golden Gate Park Bandshell Accessible Parking lot for our first break.
July 2022 Ride Recap
The tunnel ride! We set out at around 6:45pm and headed via Market up through both the Stockton and Broadway tunnels with Chinatown in between. Both tunnels were uphill, so we turned around and cruised back down through them. A total of four tunnel traversals in the first half hour! We then continued along a relatively standard route, along Market to Valencia and up to Mission Dolores Park for a rest stop.
June 2022 Ride Recap
The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade this Friday June 24, upending 50 years of settled law in a blatant attack on women’s and LGBTQ+ rights, sparking protests all across the country and world. San Francisco had at least three separate protests which converged together, as well as the Trans March, leading to a chaotic evening.
Critical Mass set out around 6:50pm as we were waiting for Deep and his music bike Trikeasaurus. We headed up Market Street, where we quickly ran into barriers at 7th Street for the protests. We continued through Hayes Valley and biked through cars sitting in traffic on Octavia, Oak, and Fell. Caltrans had closed the entrance to the normally loud polluting Central Freeway as thousands walked by in the Trans March. We continued along Market to The Castro, a destination several people wanted to reach in honor of Pride, and then rode down to Dolores Park for the first stop.
May 2022 Ride Recap
About a hundred people attended Critical Mass this May 27th. We left Embarcadero Plaza at 6:30 pm sharp, headed down Market St to Valencia and up to Dolores Park for the first stop. Local legend Backwards Brian made an appearance but was unfortunately stopped by a flat tire after the first stop.

We continued down through the Mission and back around Oracle Park where SFSU’s commencement ceremony was taking place for our second stop.
April 2022 Ride Recap
As part of this blog, I thought it might be nice to upload recaps of each month’s ride. So here’s how the April 29 ride from last week went. All things considered, the planned route worked better than expected! Many people peeled off early but a handful of us completely a full 16 mile route from Embarcadero Plaza to the Greay Walkway in about 3.5 hours.
April JFK Promenade Route + Reflections
A Route To Celebrate Car-Free JFK
JFK Drive in Golden Gate Park is now permanently car-free! On Tuesday, April 26, the SF Board of Supervisors voted to pass Mayor London Breed’s plan, with ammendments to ensure accesibility and equity.
To celebrate, I am proposing a route thru the “JFK Promenade” which also traverses other important bike routes still requiring serious people-first safety improvements: Market St, Valencia St, The Wiggle, and The Great Walkway.